Mindfulness Books to Nourish the Soul

Mindfulness Books to Nourish the Soul

I love to read. Specifically mindfulness books. They make me feel at home, and they feed my mind and soul. I have been reading a lot of spiritual texts that gave me motivation and encouragement in building the life that I want and who I want to become. I am excited to share some of the ones that stood out the most and were perfect for me to read given the direction in which I wanted to head in life. These books are great resources for anyone looking for ways to live more mindfully in today’s world.

In this blog post, I’m going to share my 5 favorite mindfulness books that have nourished my soul over the years by providing perspective on life. These books have been life-changing for me and hope they’ll do the same for you.

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Bring Back the Treasure in You – Creativity

Do you know who you are? You’re an artist.

You see color and beauty in the world, even when others don’t. The way you interpret life is different than anybody else’s and nobody can take that away from you! That’s why I wrote this post for all of my fellow artists out there who need a boost of motivation or encouragement to keep creating their art, no matter what.

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