Mindfulness Books to Nourish the Soul

I love to read. Specifically mindfulness books. They make me feel at home, and they feed my mind and soul. I have been reading a lot of spiritual texts that gave me motivation and encouragement in building the life that I want and who I want to become. I am excited to share some of the ones that stood out the most and were perfect for me to read given the direction in which I wanted to head in life. These books are great resources for anyone looking for ways to live more mindfully in today’s world.

In this blog post, I’m going to share my 5 favorite mindfulness books that have nourished my soul over the years by providing perspective on life. These books have been life-changing for me and hope they’ll do the same for you.

Mindfulness books that nourish the soul

This book resonated with me and made some good points about life that we can all learn from. For me, it is very enlightening and filled with so much wisdom. It showed me how to break free from the chains of negativity and live in harmony with myself and those around me.

The book was based on ancient Toltec wisdom. The author breaks down four agreements that we can all apply with ourselves to improve our lives dramatically. When I learned these things, my whole outlook on life changed for the better. And that’s why this book has been one of my favorites so far and I’m thankful for my friend who recommended it.

"Even the opinions about yourself are not necessarily true; therefore, you don't need to take whatever you hear in your own mind personally." - Excerpt from The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz
With “Big Magic,” Elizabeth Gilbert inspired me to pursue my creative dreams, and that’s how I became motivated to open up a shop and to write my previous blog “Bring back the treasure in you.” She offers encouragement and advice, based on her own experience of living a creative life. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to tap into their creativity and make their artistic dreams a reality.

"I believe that inspiration will always try it's best to work with you -- but if you are not ready or available, it may indeed choose to leave you and to search for different human collaborator." - Excerpt from Big Magic

Elizabeth Gilbert
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This book has taught me to be more optimistic. It showed me how to focus on the positive and reminded me that overthinking will not be a benefit. It is worth taking notes every time I see a phrase that impacts me, not only to remember it but will also stick with me. One teaching that stayed in my mind is to not let fear stop you from living your best life. It shows you how to accept your fears and use them to your advantage.

Think Like a Monk has so much insightful information. With its wise advice and helpful exercises, this book has helped me cultivate a more positive outlook on life and see better results in everything I do.

"I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am." - Excerpt from Think Like a Monk

Charles Horton Cooley

"The truth is that negative thoughts, feelings and pleas will always arise - it is what we do that makes the difference." - Excerpt from Think Like a Monk

Jay Shetty

Having known the law of attraction made me curious about a lot of things, especially the science behind it. Then I stumbled upon the author of the book on a video-sharing platform.
I had never heard of Dr. Joe Dispenza before but after just a few minutes into watching the videos, I was completely drawn in by his knowledge on how our thoughts and emotions alone can affect our reality. After watching his videos, I was led to buy the book and I loved it!

Dr. Joe Dispenza explains using science to reveal how our brain works, how we can actually take control of our thoughts, access our subconscious mind, and many more. This book is definitely worth a read – it has taught me so much with its exercises and I credit it with helping me understand the science of how the Law of Attraction works.

"Like clay, the energy of infinite possibilities is shaped by consciousness: your mind. And if all matter is made of energy, it makes sense that consciousness and energy are so intimately related that they are one." - Excerpt from Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Dr. Joe Dispenza
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The author shares an extremely empowering approach to life that has helped me find my inner warrior goddess. This is not a typical self-help book for women; it’s raw, authentic, and full of powerful mantras that will awaken you to the truth about yourself.

This book has taught me how to clear up any influences that my mind has had on my energy, emotion, and body. I am now embracing all aspects of myself and becoming more conscious and aware of my power.

Warrior Goddess Training is worth the read for any woman who’s ever questioned if they are strong enough. This book will guide you, empower you, and give you all the tools that you need to claim back your power as a woman and achieve your true warrior self.

"The most intimate relationship you will ever have is with yourself. But if you don't love every aspect of yourself, then your relationship is out of balance." - Excerpt from Warrior Goddess Training

Heatherash Amara


Each one of the books is amazing and they all benefitted me on a deeper level. Some are more spiritual than others, some represent a science-based philosophy, others focus on mindfulness and meditation, etc. If you are ready to get into the world of spirituality, mindfulness, and positive thinking, I encourage you to pick one (or more) of these books up and give it a read. You won’t be disappointed!

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